From morning to night, he memorized his beautiful
poems and melodies.
For years, nobody cared about what he repeated
from memory.
One summer night, he bought new recorder and
put his songs on it with all his heart.

Night and day, she works very hard.
She continues to make a lot of earrings.
But she has never seen the people who wear
earrings made by her in this town.

Again and again, she wonders to herself for what
she is swamped with work everyday.
When she breaks down,
she finds old tape under her chest
and plays it back.
Young man's bright voice echoes through her room.

His soulful singing voice.

Help me from the cursed time.
If you find me somewhere in the world,
You don't need to give me much money.
You have only to say "hi".

Help me from the cursed time.
If you find me somewhere in the world,
You don't need to give me much money.

After listening to the tape, she mutters "thank you".
The different nights are crossed.