Baby, between you &アン me
She was overflowing with joy
Oh baby, baby baby boy
He taught tennis to her.
one day, two day, three day
hit a ball Nice shot!

あまりにヘタクソなやつ 発見はっけん

Baby, between you &アン me
She was overflowing with joy
Oh baby, baby baby boy
He taught tennis to her.
one day, two day, three day
hit a ball Nice shot!

やるだけは うん みとめるけれど

Baby, between you &アン me
She was overflowing with joy
Oh baby, baby baby boy
He taught tennis to her.
one day, two day, three day
hit a ball Nice shot!

そしてにわかあめ 今日きょうはFriday お弁当べんとうの おかずは やっぱ フライで!
いたラケット うえからつかようつのはウエスタングリップだろ
握手あくしゅするように これがイースタン point her in the direction
1ワン2トゥー3スリーでstep up! 宿題しゅくだいノート後回あとまわ

Baby, between you &アン me
She was overflowing with joy
Oh baby, baby baby boy
He taught tennis to her.
one day, two day, three day
hit a ball Nice shot!

hit a ball Nice shot!