She has me wondering
Who is this crazy thing
Flying through the light and the dark

Amazing pondering thundering wandering
Wearing a cape and scarf

She's mystery
a woman with mountain-moving power
She is a diva
She gives me fever
Transcending time and bearing flowers

Diving for pearls
Shining out liquid fire
a volcano of laughter and desire

そのかがやきをとりもどそう まそう ねむるダイナソー
宇宙うちゅうひろげるNASA FBIよりCIA

Finghting for Peace
Smiling like the morning sun
Bringing flowers to coldest winter

Here she comes!

Super Hero
For Tomorrow
She will be glad to save the day
Super Hero
For Tomorrow
We need a woman like her today

Here she comes!

Super Hero
For Tomorrow
She will be glad to save the day
Super Hero
For Tomorrow
We need a woman like her today

Super Hero
For Tomorrow
She will be glad to save the day
Super Hero
For Tomorrow
We need a woman like her today