ほうおかした奴等やつらぐ My name is a “JUSTICE”
罪人つみびとはすべて排除はいじょする 祟高すうこうなるこの権力ちから
強姦レイプ 売春ばいしゅん 薬物やくぶつ 偽装ぎそう 詐欺さぎ 賭博とばく 公然猥褻こうぜんわいせつ
傷害しょうがい 収賄しゅうわい 恐喝きょうかつ 窃盗せっとう 賄賂わいろ 次第しだいじよう…I'm not a “FAKE”!

拘束こうそくした容疑者ようぎしゃぐ My name is a “JUSTICE”
らえた以上いじょうさばきをくだす それがこのわたし使命しめい
証言しょうげん 証明しょうめい すべて却下きゃっか 証拠不十分しょうこふじゅうぶん有罪ゆうざい”にしょす…I'm not a “FAKE”!

Fake! 手間取てまどらせるんじゃねぇ!
Break! ほらはやいてしまえ!
Crash! 「ぼくりました」そうってらくになれ!
Fake! You did it? Hey! You did it!
Break! I don't want to hear your excuse!
Crash! The truth means nothing.
Don't complain about it!

Welcome! Let the party begin!
Yay let's do it right! Right now!
Shout &アン Pull the trigger! You just bleed.
Hey you count down! 3スリー 2トゥー 1ワン Ban!
Welcome! Let the party begin!
Yay let's do it right! Right now!
Break down the trouble. Hide the truth
My name is a “JUSTICE”! My work is dan!

よわき“ぜん”のたみよ My name is a “JUSTICE”
現在いまの“平和へいわ”はわたしのおかげ Kiss me! Kill you! Kick justice! I'm not a “FAKE”!

Fake! 「“つみ”だけをにくんで
Break! “ひと”はにくまない」
Crash! なんてまえんだっていいやつくらい
Fake! You did it? Hey! You did it!
Break! I don't want to hear your excuse!
Crash! The truth means nothing.
Don't complain about it!

Welcome! Let the party begin!
Yay let's do it right! Right now!
Shout &アン Pull the trigger! You just bleed.
Hey you count down! 3スリー 2トゥー 1ワン Ban!
Welcome! Let the party begin!
Yay let's do it right! Right now!
Break down the trouble. Hide the truth
My name is a “JUSTICE”! My work is dan!

Fake! 手間取てまどらせるんじゃねぇ!
Break! ほらはやいてしまえ!
Crash! 「ぼくりました」そうってらくになれ!
Fake! You did it? Hey! You did it!
Break! I don't want to hear your excuse!
Crash! The truth means nothing.
Don't complain about it!

Welcome! Let the party begin!
Yay let's do it right! Right now!
Shout &アン Pull the trigger! You just bleed.
Hey you count down! 3スリー 2トゥー 1ワン Ban!
Welcome! Let the party begin!
Yay let's do it right! Right now!
Break down the trouble. Hide the truth
My name is a “JUSTICE”! My work is dan!