Try not to think about getting credit for doing what you were born to do
Try not to think about how it could have been, but you would
It's all locked in codes, changing the circuit, running in many ways

Live a bright life, but don't forget the shadow of the moon,
Give a great love, now don't you worry 'bout a thing
Give a great love, live a great love

かんがえてしまう、それでも 今日きょうわすれずにいればいい

きている、あかるいみちえらかげだって ひかりかたちづける
live a bright life, live a great love

You don't know until you're there, you just take your luck and see
You don't know what you could be, in myself, I would believe

きている、あかるいみちえらかげだって ひかりかたちづける
Live a bright life, don't forget the shadow of the moon,
Give a great love, now don't you worry 'bout a thing
きている, live a great love