きっと 今頃いまごろ おんなそらした

むねく そのゆめかなえるために
ひとりきり そうやって たたかっているんだね

ONe LUv...ONe dReAm...
It's the Only one thing that I'm sure
ONe LUv...ONe dReAm...
Only one thing that is so pure
ONe LUv...ONe dReAm...
U know. It has put it in your mind
ONe LUv...ONe dReAm...
Please fall love again some time

わりたいのに われずにいる

つよくなる そうって けたのに
さみしさをめるのは ともえがいた世界せかい

ONe LUv...ONe dReAm...
It's the Only one thing that I'm sure
ONe LUv...ONe dReAm...
Only one thing that is so pure
ONe LUv...ONe dReAm...
U know. It has put it in your mind
ONe LUv...ONe dReAm...
Please fall love again some time

このままじゃ 未来みらいかがやけない
なみだぶんだけ 決意けついわったよ

ONe LUv...ONe dReAm...
It's the Only one thing that I'm sure
ONe LUv...ONe dReAm...
Only one thing that is so pure
ONe LUv...ONe dReAm...
U know. It has put it in your mind
ONe LUv...ONe dReAm...
Please fall love again some time