Let's go!!wake up!! Two weeks to death
Let's go!!wake up!! Two weeks to death
Let's go!!(Let's go!!)wake up!!(wake up!!) Two weeks to death
Let's go!!(Let's go!!)wake up!!(wake up!!) Two weeks to death

I stay underground
for my prime
I could fly higher

2トゥー weeks alive
is rock and roll
I'll make it perfect

Let's go!!breaking up!! Two weeks to death
Let's go!!breaking up!! Two weeks to death
Let's go!!(Let's go!!)breaking up!!(breaking up!!) Two weeks to death
Let's go!!(Let's go!!)breaking up!!(breaking up!!) Two weeks to death

I stay underground
for your prime
Hey, take me higer

2トゥー weeks alive
That's more than enough
I'd make it perfect


Two weeks(Two weeks!!) to death (to death!!) Two weeks to death
Two weeks(Two weeks!!) to death (to death!!) Two weeks to death
Two weeks to death(no music no life!!)
Two weeks to death(no music no life!!)
Two weeks to death(no music no life!!)
Two weeks to death(no music no life!!)