- 文字サイズ
- よみがな
THey AssureD me I wAs GuiLTy But I commiteD No crime THey sAiD coNfessions BriNg
LeNieNce so tHey put me on tHe LiNe So I protest tHe MAssAcre's AT tHe TiANaNmen SQuAre
My FrieNDs sAiD yo stAy AwAy MAN you Better Not go Fucking Back There THey woulDn't
Let me write ABout my opinioNs ABout tHe stAte AND tHe FreeDom of expression tHey
woulD Never toLerAte AnD tHe miLitAry secrets tHAT I Never DiD steAL I DiDN't
stArt No violence AND tHere wAs NoBody tHAT I killeD so I HAs A cleAr Account oF All
THe ABuses oF power AND tHe memories oF my HomeLAND HAve Now goNe sour AND I only
got oNe weApoN Its so plain For mE to see My only weApoN I cAll poetry AND I
DoNt eveN kNow why tHe trutH seems Like A liE IN my cell tHere is No sky WHeN
I wAs ArresteD iN SHANgHi INto wealtH AND privAleDge HuH I wAs Not BoRn But
A DevotioN to FreeDom AND LiBerty I wAs sworn so Every EmotioN is stuDDieD wAtcHeD
AND coNtroleD WHo gets pAiD wHo gets DiscipliNeD wHo gets RolleD A trANsmitter BeAms
my cooRDiNATes ANywHerE oN EArtH AND RADio wAves surveilance SAtELLite
Burst open up your skull AND let somE kNowleDge come iN CrAck opeN tHe
crANium AND let AwareNess Begin.........
LeNieNce so tHey put me on tHe LiNe So I protest tHe MAssAcre's AT tHe TiANaNmen SQuAre
My FrieNDs sAiD yo stAy AwAy MAN you Better Not go Fucking Back There THey woulDn't
Let me write ABout my opinioNs ABout tHe stAte AND tHe FreeDom of expression tHey
woulD Never toLerAte AnD tHe miLitAry secrets tHAT I Never DiD steAL I DiDN't
stArt No violence AND tHere wAs NoBody tHAT I killeD so I HAs A cleAr Account oF All
THe ABuses oF power AND tHe memories oF my HomeLAND HAve Now goNe sour AND I only
got oNe weApoN Its so plain For mE to see My only weApoN I cAll poetry AND I
DoNt eveN kNow why tHe trutH seems Like A liE IN my cell tHere is No sky WHeN
I wAs ArresteD iN SHANgHi INto wealtH AND privAleDge HuH I wAs Not BoRn But
A DevotioN to FreeDom AND LiBerty I wAs sworn so Every EmotioN is stuDDieD wAtcHeD
AND coNtroleD WHo gets pAiD wHo gets DiscipliNeD wHo gets RolleD A trANsmitter BeAms
my cooRDiNATes ANywHerE oN EArtH AND RADio wAves surveilance SAtELLite
Burst open up your skull AND let somE kNowleDge come iN CrAck opeN tHe
crANium AND let AwareNess Begin.........