WAlkeD iNto tHe pArty DoN't kNow wHo we were set up Quick oN tHe living Room Floor All I kNow is
ABout tHree FuckiN cHorDs Drumkit Bass AND Electric GuitAr Were HeADeD out to ANotHer sHow DoNt kNow wHicH
wAy its GonNA Go DoNt even tHiNk ABout it DoNt eveN cAre WHeN tHe RoADBlocks iN tHe wAy were goNNA RuN
ArouND it WHeN tHe stop sigN iN tHe wAy were GoNNA RuN tHrough it All riGHt WHeN All tHe puNx come
out toNigHt goto work Goto scHooL get A Fuckin JoB siLicone VAlley Fuckin sloB I prowl tHe streets
BreAk THe FuckiN LAw ALtercAtioN's twist AND crAwl DepressioN CAN Cripple Me iF I DoNt HAve tHe Music
So I cHoose it I'll use it I woNt FuckiN Lose it. were HeADeD out to ANotHer sHow DoNt kNow which
wAy its GoNNA Go DoNt even tHiNk ABout it DoNt even cAre WHeN tHe RoADBlocks iN tHe wAy were gonNA
RuN ArouND it WHeN tHe stop sigN's iN tHe wAy werE gonNA RuN tHrough it All RigHt WHeN All tHe puNx
come out toNigHt.