「BAck AGAiNst tHe wALL」の歌詞 Rancid
2003/8/20 リリース- 文字サイズ
- よみがな
1,2,'234 Block gets Hot Now sHe cAnt stop SHe's A Lot A Lot Like A RoBot AND sHe cANt Be Bought Her Nerves Are
SHot AND sHe stArts to Rot From THe iNsiDe out SHe sAiD I Dont NeeD you to sAve me But tHere's people Here Tryin
to play me AND tHere's No joBs THAt will PAy me enough to FeeD my FAmily AND I got my Back up AgAiNst THE
wAll AND I got my Back up AGAiNst THe wAll AND No oNe HeAr's THe cAll CAuse tHere's No one THere
AT All AND I got my Back up AGAiNst tHe wAll. ALArm clock RiNgng FooLs Are hippin promises
Broken yeA JoBs Are leAviNg AND tHe sky is DArkeneD AND tHe LANDLorD's steppin But tHe Bus Be splitten
AND I wont Be Regrettin AND tHeres No more joBs Here No more love Here No more Room Here
FoR me AND THere's No more joBs Here oNly misery Here FoR me AND my FAmily Now where
HAve All tHe gooD Time's gone. ALRIght. But something Here is going wrong. ALRIGHT. WHey even
BotHer wHeN your getting cloBBereD No BoDy's sAFe AND souND oFF tHe sweAt tHey will proFit
youtH THey will RoB it AND grounD you Down to tHe grounD we All got Big Drems Now tHe
New FActory just sHut DowN AND tHere's Not enough to go ArounD AND tHey'll geinD yA
Down to tHe grounD. AND I got my Back up AgAiNst tHe wAll
SHot AND sHe stArts to Rot From THe iNsiDe out SHe sAiD I Dont NeeD you to sAve me But tHere's people Here Tryin
to play me AND tHere's No joBs THAt will PAy me enough to FeeD my FAmily AND I got my Back up AgAiNst THE
wAll AND I got my Back up AGAiNst THe wAll AND No oNe HeAr's THe cAll CAuse tHere's No one THere
AT All AND I got my Back up AGAiNst tHe wAll. ALArm clock RiNgng FooLs Are hippin promises
Broken yeA JoBs Are leAviNg AND tHe sky is DArkeneD AND tHe LANDLorD's steppin But tHe Bus Be splitten
AND I wont Be Regrettin AND tHeres No more joBs Here No more love Here No more Room Here
FoR me AND THere's No more joBs Here oNly misery Here FoR me AND my FAmily Now where
HAve All tHe gooD Time's gone. ALRIght. But something Here is going wrong. ALRIGHT. WHey even
BotHer wHeN your getting cloBBereD No BoDy's sAFe AND souND oFF tHe sweAt tHey will proFit
youtH THey will RoB it AND grounD you Down to tHe grounD we All got Big Drems Now tHe
New FActory just sHut DowN AND tHere's Not enough to go ArounD AND tHey'll geinD yA
Down to tHe grounD. AND I got my Back up AgAiNst tHe wAll