「GHost BanD」の歌詞 Rancid
2003/8/20 リリース- 文字サイズ
- よみがな
GHost BaND GHost BaND THeres A GHost BanD giRL playiN our song AND tHey
kNew All tHe lyrics By HeArt Now AND THey play iN tHe perfect key AND tHeiR
TomBstones Are siLHouetteD AND tHe BanD I cAn Baeley see WHen tHe
spirit FADes Its HArd to cHeAtif wHer tHe FunerAL's over I cANt LeAve it everyone's
gonig Home Im DefeATeD GHost BaND THere's A GHost BaND girl playin our
song AND tHe energy is so overwHelming AND tHe ecHo From tHe crowD is DeAfening
AND tHe music coNveyeD is convincing AND tHe worlD Doesnt seem so DAunting AND tHe sHimmer
oF ligHt DANces iN A seguerte AND tHe mooD ALL elorates in AN instAnce AND we ALL
sing in pereect cADenee CHost BanD GHsot BanD THere's A GHost BaND Girl plAyin our
kNew All tHe lyrics By HeArt Now AND THey play iN tHe perfect key AND tHeiR
TomBstones Are siLHouetteD AND tHe BanD I cAn Baeley see WHen tHe
spirit FADes Its HArd to cHeAtif wHer tHe FunerAL's over I cANt LeAve it everyone's
gonig Home Im DefeATeD GHost BaND THere's A GHost BaND girl playin our
song AND tHe energy is so overwHelming AND tHe ecHo From tHe crowD is DeAfening
AND tHe music coNveyeD is convincing AND tHe worlD Doesnt seem so DAunting AND tHe sHimmer
oF ligHt DANces iN A seguerte AND tHe mooD ALL elorates in AN instAnce AND we ALL
sing in pereect cADenee CHost BanD GHsot BanD THere's A GHost BaND Girl plAyin our